Thursday, March 8, 2007

Paul's Defense

Today's Reading:
Acts 19:23 through chapter 22

In chapter 22 of today's reading we are reminded of Paul's testimony as he speaks to the crowds in Jerusalem. It was a common occurrence in the lives of early believers to tell their story - who they were and how they encountered Jesus Christ. As many of you know, the worship team at New Life Lakeview also functions as a small group. Currently, each of us are taking turns sharing our testimony. Each week two different people tell of how they encountered Jesus Christ. The entire team prays daily for the two individuals who will share their testimonies leading up to that coming Wednesday evening. Mike and Jenny shared their story last night. I feel like I know them alot better. I trust them more too because of their vulnerability.

Our testimony is our defense. It is our story and a good reminder of our true identity. When was the last time you shared your story as a defense of who you really are? How well do you know the story of the lives of indivuals in your group? I would encourage you to find out. You might just find a hidden jewel within the life of another brother or sister!

Pray for your growth partner today.

Give your testimony to your small group at one of your meetings.

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