Monday, May 5, 2008

Unit 5, Day 5: God Speaks Through Prayer

"Prayer is a relationship, not just a religious activity." The sad fact is that far too many believers find prayer a religious activity rather than an encounter with Him. Some see it as a boring duty, but prayer is perhaps the greatest delight of being a follower of Jesus Christ. One of my favorite quotes regarding prayer is, "Prayer ceases to become prayer, when it stops coming from the heart."
Are you having trouble finding the desire to pray? Is it difficult for you to be quiet and still long enough to wait on Him? Are you a "go" person, one who needs to accomplish things and always be busy?
Try to begin viewing prayer as an appointment with God. Set a time, write it in your appointment book, allow plenty of time to speak, listen, wait and worship, and make sure that you keep your appointment with Him daily. Your life will change. and ministry are empty and void apart from your remaining in Christ (John 15:5).

Friday, May 2, 2008

Unit 5, Day 2: God Speaks by the Holy Spirit

I'm hoping that by now the Lord has begun to awaken your soul to hearing His voice. Don't forget, it's much easier to hear His voice when we are engaged in daily Bible study, prayer, and being a part of the body of Christ (the church), rather than merely attending a Sunday church service. God speaks through the pastor, but He speaks even more so through the many different people and the gifts God has given them that make up the body of Christ.

Respond Immediately
Has God revealed something to you that you are sensing you need to respond to immediately? Perhaps this response will cause you to exercise great faith. We would love for you to share your experience in this Blog and if you do, we would like to back you up in prayer so that you are able to respond immediately to His voice.