Friday, March 2, 2007

The Ministry of Encouragement

Today's Reading:
1 Thessalonians 4-5

What I really loved about today's reading was Paul's command to encourage (4:18; 5:11). In the first reference, he asks the Thessalonian believers to encourage each other concerning the return of the Lord. When was the last time you encouraged another believer by reminding him or her that Christ is indeed coming back? In the second reference, Paul reminds the believers to encourage one another as a means to building one another up. I find Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians very "encouraging!" He goes on to write, "be joyful always" (5:16). When was the last time you were around another believer that was always joyful? Doesn't that person's joy encourage you? I know that a mark of my own spiritual maturity is when I have come to the place when I am outwardly joyful all the time!

So...why not encourage someone today? You might just get a dose of encouragement yourself!

Ask God to give you a thankful heart. If you have a thankful heart, ask Him to help you to be more thankful.

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