Friday, March 16, 2007

Paul and Timothy

Today's Reading:
2 Timothy 1-2

In Paul's second letter to Timothy, we learn more about the unique relationship these two men had. Paul longed to see Timothy so much that he believed that if he were to see him, he would be filled with joy (1:4). Although Paul writes this letter during a lonely time in his life, he continues to speak into the life of Timothy and mentor him through this letter. Paul was like a father to Timothy, a spiritual father that is. This is one element of human relationships that set Christians far apart from others. How many of you have had a spiritual mother or father, someone who either introduced you to Christ or discipled you and nurtured you in becoming mature in the faith? I have had a few. These were men and women who taught me how to share my faith not by handing me a book, but by taking me to the train station every Saturday morning to hand out tracks. Mind you, this is not my prefered method for evangelizing others, but it was another man's way of passing onto me what he had learned the only way he knew how. There was also the first time I participated in an all night prayer meeting at the home of Carole Smith-Torres, a powerful woman of God who saw countless numbers of men saved out of drug addictions into the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What about you? Who is your Timothy? Who are you nurturing in the faith and who is your Paul, the one who nurtures you? I believe it is spiritually healthy to be in these types of Christian relationships. Are you missing out? Why not begin to make this a daily prayer request of yours...ask God to send you a Timothy and a Paul. Your walk with God will become very different and perhaps your relationships with others will cause you to be "filled with joy."

Thank God that He is forgiving.

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