Monday, March 26, 2007


Today's Reading:
Romans 2-3

If someone were to ask you what Justification meant, how would you answer?
The theme of justification is spelled out by Paul in today's reading. Justification means that upon trusting in Christ, we are declared righteous by God. He cancels the guilt of our sin and credits righteousness to us. The only way that a person can be made right with God is through Christ. Not by living a good clean life, not by obeying the 10 commandments, not by not sinning (because we all sin - 3:23), not by doing alot of ministry or wearing a fancy ministry title or going to the mission field or praying long prayers or looking righteous. No. It's all through Jesus Christ. That's why I worship Him (Rom. 12:1-2). How about you?

Please pray for the Tech team.

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