Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Ministry of Epaphras

Today's Reading:
Colossians 3-4

Although we don't hear of Epaphras outside of Paul's letter to the Colossians, it would benefit us to pay close attention to the ministry he had to others as noted in just two verses of chapter 4. Epaphras was a servant (4:12), but even more than that, he regularly came before the throne of God on behalf of those God had entrusted to him. You see, Epaphras took the ministry of discipleship so seriously that he not only prayed for these other believers, but he wrestled in prayer for them. Epaphras anguished in prayer and on his knees as he struggled against the spiritual forces of evil that were keeping these other believers from moving forward spiritually. Epaphras did this with one goal in mind: that the believers in Colosse would be able to stand firm in the will of God and that they would become mature in their assurance of who they were in Christ. Epaphras was modeling the ministry that Jesus Christ has devoted himself to for the last 2,000 years: PRAYER (Heb. 7:25). Have you ever wrestled in prayer for another believer?
When we enter into eternity, we will not be bringing with us the hours of television watched, the countless hours of working to acquire material possessions, or the time we wasted stressing about all that God has already promised to provide for us. What we will bring into eternity with us is the men and women that we have wrestled for, the brothers and sisters that we cried out to God for day and night and by doing so, joined forces with the one who lives to intercede, Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is not built upon the foundation of following church growth and modern pop culture trends, but rather by the men and women who abandon all, fall on their knees and cry out to God on behalf of others. May the Spirit of God enlighten your minds to understand the depth of Epaphras' ministry to the church at Colosse.

Ask the Lord to search your soul and bring to light anything that you need to change.

Which member of your small group is in the greatest need of someone standing in the gap for him or her and wrestling with God on his or her behalf? Why don't you be the one to do that?
Write down the name of that individual on an index card and carry that card with you all day as a reminder to pray for that individual.

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