Sunday, January 28, 2007

Serving Alone

Today's Reading:
Mark 14-15

I'm sure that at one time or another we have all had feelings of being alone in our ministry. We give, we sacrifice and when we need someone to come alongside to encourage us or refresh us, we find no one there. Have you ever found yourself in that place? I believe it is at that point in our lives where we can sometimes identify with Christ the most and it's good to remember that when we are in that place of "serving alone" he is actually very near to us. He understands.

In today's reading we see where Jesus was brought to a place of complete abandonment by those closest to him. One of the men that he poured his life and ministry into betrayed him (14:18), the others abandoned him, and one even denied him (14:27-31, 66-72). When he needed to be encouraged in the deepest, most intimate place of fellowship, prayer, his friends could only sleep (14:37-41). But perhaps the moment when Christ was most alone, was when he hung on the cross. For it was on the cross that his Heavenly Father turned away from him as he carried the sins of the world upon himself (15:34). The moments or seasons of serving alone can actually become the strength of our ministry and our service to God, for it is in that place where we become like Christ and we identify with him in his sufferings. Christ understands. Come to Him and allow him to refresh your soul. He will meet you there.

Pray for Women with a Purpose and increasing spiritual growth among the women of our church.

Have you met with or called your growth partner this week?

1 comment:

Nate said...

Years ago I came to a place of brokenness, feeling very alone and separated from all those around me. I was truly in despair and felt as though I could not go on. In that place, God spoke to me. He said, "Aren't I enough? What if everyone in your life abandoned you. Wouldn't I be enough?" I looked into my heart, looked at the way God had been faithful in my life even when I'd been unfaithful, and realized, "Yes, Lord, you are enough. I need to stop complaining and lean wholly on you." Friends let me down. I let me down. But God never lets me down. He is faithful and good and loves His children passionately. Whether in discouragement over going it alone in ministry or just a sense of going it alone in life, we really need to ask, "Isn't He enough?"