Thursday, January 4, 2007

Small Group Leading 101

Today's Reading: Luke 6,7
I'm sure that all of us have had at one point or another an individual in our group who has made it extremely difficult for us and the entire group. Perhaps we even secretly wished he or she would find another small group or perhaps even leave the church altogether. We pray, we anguish, we seek counsel from others, we even try to befriend this individual, but nothing changes. Things might never change, but it's our response to the situation that God is most concerned about. In today's reading, Jesus teaches us the correct way to respond (6:27-45; 7:44-47). Go back and read these verses again. Stop, pause, and ask God to bring to your own mind and heart certain individuals in your life that these truth's can help you in responding to. Then go do it and you will be blessed!

Ask the Lord to search your heart and motives bringing to light anything that is not pleasing to Him.

Write down one verse or concept from today's reading that stands out to you. Carry it with you for one week and refer to it every time you sense your attitude towards another individual is not God's will for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Just wanted to let you know you have an audience out here. I read your thougths and ponder them in light of the reading.
