Saturday, January 6, 2007

"Mary has chosen what is better..."

Today's Reading:
Luke 10, 11
Today's reading begins with Jesus sending out the 72 and giving them specific instructions for ministry and concludes with Jesus rebuking the Pharisees and warning them how NOT to do ministry. Sandwiched between these two events is a beautiful reminder of the best way to do ministry: "Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said" (10:39).

Many of us can often get busy doing things for the Lord but when we begin to do things for Him and not with Him, well that's when we begin to put ourselves in a dangerous ministry position.
Where are you at today? How are you connecting with Jesus Christ on a daily basis and allowing Him to minister through you? How's your prayer life? And what I mean by that is, how often do you get alone with GOD in a quiet place and spend an uninterupted amount of time pouring out your soul to Him, worshipping Him and interceding for the needs of others? It's still a new year. Alot can change in you and me for the better in the next 359 days! Why not chose what is better?

Thank God for His goodness.

Please make sure that you have found another person to connect with weekly to ask you those "deeper" questions about your life.
The Introduction and Chapter 1 of the "Divine Conspiracy" should be completed by next Saturday. Please post your insights here.

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