Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Produce Fruit in Keeping with Repentance

Today's reading: Luke 3, 4.
In today's reading we see the ministry of two men highlighted, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. John begins his ministry first, preparing the way of Christ's ministry with the preaching of repentance. In chapter 4, the ministry of Jesus officially begins and the King of kings is introduced to the world.

What I find interesting in today's reading is the sequence of events: Repentance, Baptism, Temptation, Truth encounter, Rejection, Authority, Healing, Solitude, Preaching. Why would God choose to introduce the ministry of Jesus Christ through John the Baptist with repentance? I believe it's because without repentance we are unable to produce fruit in our lives that has any depth to it. The interesting thing about repentance is that it is not a one time event. We must continually check our lives and daily ask God to search us, and when the Holy Spirit brings to mind something that needs to change, we must make that change so that we might, "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance."

What have you learned from today's reading?

Thank God for all His provisions in your life last year (2006). Take some time today to reflect on the many ways that God blessed you in this past year and thank Him for each blessing you can count.

1) Don't forget to purchase a copy of "The Divine Conspiracy" and begin reading it.
2) When tempted, Jesus reacted to that temptation with a truth encounter. Are you regularly memorizing the truth of God's Word to prepare yourself for your own truth encounter? Why not begin today? Memorize a passage of Scripture that will prepare you to embrace truth.

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