Monday, January 1, 2007

The Gospel of Luke

As we begin our reading of the Gospel of Luke there are several elements that we should be aware of that will guide us in our reading of this wonderful gospel. The Gospel of Luke is the companion book of Acts. These two books when combined together, make Luke the author of more writing content of the New Testament than any other author, including Paul. Although Luke wrote this gospel to Theophilus (1:3), the content will help to stengthen the faith of all who read it including us. As we read through the gospel, we should look for several themes that are present throughout the gospel: 1) Jesus: The Son of Man 2) Concern for sinners and God's will to include both Jews and Gentiles in the plan of salvation. 3) Strong emphasis on prayer 4) Concern for women and their role in God's plan 5) The poor 6) The Holy Spirit 7) Emphasis on the family.

Chapter 1:
As you read through this chapter, look for the themes that are mentioned above. For example, there is a strong emphasis on prayer in just the first chapter. When Zechariah's priestly division was on duty, Luke mentions in verse 10 that "all the assembled worshipers were praying outside." We also read of two lengthy "songs" that could and should be considered a prayer by Mary (1:46-56) and Zechariah (1:67-79). The emphasis on the role of women is also seen in this first chapter. There are three main people highlighted in this chapter, two of them being women. It is also interesting to note that it was Mary who had found favor with God (1:30). Take a look a verses 46-56 and you might gain some insight into the kind of people God's places His favor upon!

Ask the Lord to draw you nearer to Him in this new year. "Come near to God and He will come near to you." James 4:8

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