Thursday, February 8, 2007

Biblical Confrontation

Today's Reading:
Matthew 17-18

There are several topics that spoke to my own heart in today's reading: The importance of having an inner circle of friends that invest in you and you also invest in (17:1-13). The importance of serving God out of humility rather than insecurity (18:1-20) and the necessity of forgiveness (18:21-35). But the topic that I thought I would highlight for those who read this BLOG, especially those of you who are small group leaders, is the subject of Biblical confrontation. In chapter 18, Matthew describes the correct way to confront a believer when he or she has sinned against another. Step 1: Go to him or her in private and in love and confront this individual (vs. 15). If he or she does not listen (here's the typical response, "well you did that!"), Step 2: Take another believer with you and confront this individual (vs. 16). If he or she still does not listen, Step 3: Bring the situation to the leaders of the church. Here are the steps not to take: Do not talk behind his or her back without first going to that individual. Do not keep anger within yourself. Do not slander this individual.

Pray for your growth partner today.


Unknown said...

Thanks George, I am still reading!!! Keep up the great work with these...I find your nuggets of wisdom a great place to start my day!!


Growing Together@NewLifeLakeview said...

Thanks Eric. Stay encouraged brother. I've been praying for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

On 18:1-4 I have been struck lately with my own tendency to do almost everything to a certain extent out of insecurity, always wanting to be recognized by others, to the point where it is easy for me to give glory to God's name at church, where I will be praised for it, and yet Jesus' name rarely ecapes my lips at school, where I will be looked down on for it. I was feeling defeated by this struggle that I have, to get caught up in the competition to look good, but then God reminded me that He chose us before creation, and that even our ablity to take our eyes of ourselves and others, and focus them on Him, even that ability comes from God, and God alone. I am thankful that my life rests in the hands of a God much more powerful and loving than I could ever imagine.