Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Paul and Barnabas

Today's Reading:
Acts 14

In today's reading we learn more about the diverse ministry of Paul and Barnabas. They would frequently go to Jewish synagogues to preach the good news of Jesus Christ (vs. 1). They were risk takers. They were bold. When resisitance came against them that would prevent them from preaching the gospel, they moved to other towns ( vs. 7). They were used by God to perform miracles (vs. 3). They had great faith. They would not take the credit for something God had done (vss. 14-18). They were humble. They were physically abused, yet kept on serving God (vs. 19). They were tenacious. They strengthened other believers in their faith (vs 22). They were encouragers. They appointed elders (vs. 23). They were leaders. They were sacrificial. They prayed and fasted (vs. 23). They ministered to the church and stayed with them (vss. 26-28). They were relational. Paul and Barnabas: the ideal ministry team that God used to bless the lives of many.

Please pray for the worship team.

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