Sunday, February 25, 2007

Spiritual Gifts: The Key to a Healthy Church

Today's Reading:
1 Corinthians 11-12

If I were to ask you what your spiritual gift or gifts were, how would you answer? In chapter 12 of today's reading, Paul begins a three chapter discourse on spiritual gifts. Not all of the gifts are noted in these chapters. For a more complete list of spiritual gifts, read Ephesians 4 and Romans 12. I have found that a person serves best and is most satisfied when he or she is serving in an area God has equipped him or her to serve in. This is why it is very crucial for all believers to know and understand what their spiritual gifts are and how their gift(s) work with the other gifts in the body of Christ (the Church). Not all Christians have been given the same gifts, as in the gift of teaching (12:29). If this is not your gift and you are leading a small group and struggling with the teaching portion, then you should lead the group and raise up another person who has been equipped with this gift. Is someone in your group hurting or grieving? Send the people with the gift of mercy to his or her aid. If this is your gift, then you go! When believers serve in the area that God has equipped them with and the body serves together, without placing greater importance on one gift over another, the overall spiritual health of that church will be stronger.

Pray for the singles of our church.

When coming to worship on Sunday mornings try to come several minutes early. Take a seat, close your eyes, and ask the Lord to meet you.

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