Friday, February 16, 2007

The Power of Words II

Today's Reading:
James 3-5

A major theme in the book of James is our speech to one another. Words have power. In light of this theme, here are some practical things to consider as you lead those God has called you to shepherd:

10 Ways to Build Others:

1. Accentuate the positive.
2. Be liberal with praise.
3. Compliment them frequently, sincerely and in public.
4. Greet people by using their names.
5. Keep a file on their hobbies or special interests.
6. Work on your self image. You can't love others if you don't love yourself.
7. Give credit where credit is due. Don't seal their thunder.
8. Ask, "How can I help?"
9. Give appropriate challenges. People are bored when they are not challenged.
10. Listen! Listen! Listen!

10 Ways to Destroy Others:

1. Underestimate their potential
2. Remove their reward.
3. Show a lack of confidence in them.
4. Expect immediate results.
5. Don't support them.
6. Magnify their mistakes.
7. Ignore their success.
8. Understate the role they play.
9. Treat the task more important than they are.
10. Talk! Talk! Talk!

Thank God that He knows all things.

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