Saturday, April 12, 2008

Unit 2, Day 4: God Speaks to His People

Hearing God speak to your soul can be one of the most profound experiences a person can have in his or her life. The authors of Experiencing God point out four ways God speaks to His people in the 4th reality listed in the back cover of your Experiencing God workbook. Those four ways are through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church. If you are not daily opening yourself up to these 4 ways, you most likely will not be hearing from God as clearly as you could be.
The Bible: Not just a book to read, the living Word of God. Read it, memorize it, meditate on it and study it. If this is a problem for you let me ask you a question? Which would you prefer....watching an hour or two of television each night or knowing the Word of God?
Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God
Prayer: Not just reciting a ritualistic prayer that you were taught years ago, but calling out to God with a sense of desperation, knowing that He has your entire life in His hands. Thanking Him in prayer, confessing your sins to Him in prayer, praying for others to come to know Him, growing to love Him in prayer. Praying with others frequently. Staying in prayer for more than 5 minutes (ever pray for an entire hour?). Waiting with expectation in prayer to hear from God.
Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God
Circumstances: Coming to the realization that every experience in your life is not just by chance, but that God Sovereignly ordains everthing that happens to you. You need to figure out what God's purpose is in it all.
Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God
The Church: Not just attending a Sunday morning church service, but being a part of the back to the church and the people of that fellowship through serving, loving and knowing them. You might not hear from God that clearly if you are just attending a church service with no other active Christian fellowship experience in your life.
Knowing God's voice comes from an intimate love relationship with God


Anonymous said...

The Bible, prayer, circumstances, prayer... I think that to hear God's voice through each of these requires time... time to read the bible, time to pray to God, and time to reflect on your life as it is today, tomorrow, yesterday, last week... this morning I woke up late. I hate waking up late. I spent about 60 seconds or less praying some half awake prayer that I cant remember three hours later. I haven't opened my Bible yet today... I tried focusing on God on my way to work, but the traffic on 94 took most of my attention, and most of my patience too. BUT, I usually spend time in God's presence through prayer and bible reading every morning. I just want to proclaim that those days go so much better. I get so frustrated with my lack of discipline sometimes. How hard is it to wake up an hour earlier to give to God? Especially when you know how fruitful the results are, and how much you need to do it anyway. Well, tomorrow I am very determined to wake up on time and spend time with God. Time with God plus prayer, plus Bible is really the best part of waking up, more than Folgers in your cup. We should really have Jesus fill our cup, at least as much as it is filled with coffee.

Growing Together@NewLifeLakeview said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for your comment. One important thing that I have learned over the years is that just because I missed quality time with God in the morning, I do not have to wait until the next morning to have a deep meeting with Him. For me, that means my lunch break, when I get home from work or any spare amount of time that I can get away with Him...I need to make that an option and better yet, a priority.
Be Encouraged! The Lord is still waiting for you to meet with Him even right now!