Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Unit 2, Day 2: God's Plans Versus Our Plans

The Experiencing God study continues to stress the truth that we are to find out what God is doing or what He is about to do and join Him. Here is a question I have for anyone who is reading this: What do you think God is about to do in our church? What do you see Him doing? What is the yearning of your heart for our church? Perhaps we could get a list going.


Anonymous said...

I think that God is trying to get us as a church to pray together, and not just in little groups, but as a whole... or something like that. I was at Nate's Dead Theologians group last night, and they are doing the book too... and we prayed together at the end... that was the best part. It was really powerful. I think God was just so wanting us to pray to Him for a while, that he really met with us even though we didn't "do" anything except pray for 10-15 minutes at the end. It would be so great to see our whole church one sunday morning just join in this huge gathering of prayer, and feel God's power together as a community, that would really unify our church more if we all prayed together. Maybe we think prayer is too much a private thing when its something we can all do together... hmm..

Growing Together@NewLifeLakeview said...

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for your comment and thanks for your heart. There have been many at New Life who have longed for this type of community and atmosphere for years. Let's continue to pray and ask God to move in the hearts of others to long for what is most important to Him. Bless you and please be encouraged in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Shayna said...

I agree with "anonymous" that a whole church prayer time would be great. Even if we can't pray with the whole church together, maybe a few sites together. I attended the Sunday prayer service before Lincoln Park opened and I really enjoyed and felt the spirit of God in that place. I would love to have that happen again or on a semi-regular basis. Shayna