Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jesus: The Healer

Today's Reading:
Mark 5, 6

As we learn from today's reading, Jesus spent a good portion of his earthly ministry healing others. As a matter of fact, Mark devotes the entire fifth chapter to historical accounts of Jesus' healing ministry. What I find interesting is that in each situation, each healing was instant (5:13, 30, 42). Jesus spoke, and the person was healed. Although some of these individuals suffered for years, it only took Jesus one moment to bring them to freedom. You see, Jesus had authority to accomplish what he set out to do and whatever he encountered had to submit to his authority. Jesus still has that authority today and I believe that sometimes he wants us to call upon that authority to see others healed and set free. But that takes faith and a willingness to walk in the authority that we have as a result of our identity in him. Sometimes he will use us to heal and sometimes he has chosen for that individual to experience him through suffering. All things are subject to God's will. One interesting thing that I have experienced is that when we set out to seek the Lord for physical healing in another's life, God sometimes chooses to use us to minister emotional or spiritual healing to that individual instead. In chapter 6 Jesus sent out his disciples and gave them authority (vs. 7). My encouragement to you is...never forget the authority you have through your identity in Christ Jesus! Go, and touch lives in His name.

Thank God that He is your healer (spiritually, physically, emotionally).

Do a Scripture study on your identity in Christ and post your findings on this BLOG.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"He meant to pass by them..." (6:48)

That verse just jumped off the page to me. Especially since it comes shortly after:

"And He saw that they were making headway painfully."

Jesus doesn't always provide the help that He is able to give when I'm struggling. Hmmm. Now that's a message I want to sink my teeth into.