Monday, January 15, 2007

How Are You Leading?

Today's Reading:
Acts 3, 4

In today's reading, we are reminded of a valuable lesson that we must never forget. The best way to lead a group must not be solely based on our education, experience, charisma or vision, but by being filled with the Holy Spirit. We read of several accounts where the believers did ministry, "filled with the Holy Spirit" (4:8, 31, 33). It's interesting to note that even others knew that these believers were "un-schooled, ordinary men" (4:13), and were speaking and leading with a boldness and authority that could not be based on how educated they were. You see, it appears as though they were speaking boldly as a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit (4:31). My encouragment to you as we begin this new season of small groups it this: Be filled with the Holy Spirit, walk in obedience to God and His word, stay close to the Lord on a daily basis and make your life a vessel where He can pour out the power of His Spirit in you...then go speak the word of God boldly!

Please pray for the children's ministries of our church.

Examine your life today. Are you leading more out of your experience, education and vision or rather by God's Spirit working through you?

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