Monday, March 31, 2008

Unit 1, Day 2: Jesus Is Your Model

What is God's Will?
In today's lesson, the author points out the importance of knowing God's will first, rather than trying to find out what His perfect will for our individual life is. The answer to this question is clear because God reveals His will to us in the Bible. The difficult part comes when He calls us to obey. Once we find out what that will is and we continue to do otherwise... well, that's called sin and we all do that!

God is always at work around you
Take a moment now and review your day. If you are doing this in the morning, think about yesterday. Stop. Pause. Wait. Pray: "Father God, as I consider my day, please show me when and where You were at work around me. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I ask You to give me insight to where You were working and perhaps what You are calling me join with You in." Stop. Pause. Wait. Be Still. Now consider what God might be trying to show you. The individual you came in contact with who was hurting. The opportunity to share Christ's love with someone else. A situation in your family. Write down your insights now. Share them with another believer.

Did you review your memory verse today? (John 15:5)

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