Thursday, February 1, 2007

How do you Respond?

Today's Reading:
Matthew 3-4

Today we read of Jesus' response to temptation (4:1-10). Jesus was not only tempted by the devil three times in this passage, but he was tempted at a very weak point in his life. He had just fasted 40 days! Look closely at how he responded each time..."it is written," was his response. He responded with the truth of Scripture. I've heard it said that spiritual warfare is not a power encounter but rather a Truth encounter. When tempted, we have the choice to believe the lie that is being presented to us or to respond with truth. We cannot dismiss the lie of temptation if we do not know the truth. The truth can only come by reading, studying and meditating on the Word of God daily and by living our lives submitted to the Truth himself, Jesus Christ. How do you respond when faced with temptation? Is there an area in your life where you continually fail when tempted? What does God's word say about that area of your life? I would encourage you to seek the answer out in Scripture. Embrace that answer and the next time you are faced with temptation, you just might overcome!

Thank God that He heals.

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