Monday, February 26, 2007

The Resurrection: Dig Deeper

Today's Reading:
1 Corinthians 15-16

In today's reading Paul instructs the Corinthian believers on a topic that was the subject of false teaching. What was that topic? According to chapter 15, if this false teaching turned out to be true, what would it do to the Christian faith (15:16-19)? Today's reading gives us one of the best Scriptural summaries of the gospel. Where is that found? Today's reading mentions a ritual that the Latter-Day Saints practice. What is that practice and where is it found? If you were to ever find yourself in a place of deep discouragement in your ministry and felt like quitting, what would be a good verse to meditate on from today's reading? In today's reading, Paul mentions a man that he wrote one of his other letters to. Who was that person, and which verse does he mention this person's name in?

The answers will appear in Wednesday's entry.

Please pray for the tech team.

March Scripture Readings:
March 1: 1 Thessalonians 1-3
PrayerPoint: Ask God to forgive you.
March 2: 1 Thessalonians 4-5
Ask God to make you more thankful.
March 3: Ephesians 1-2
Pray for the youth leaders.
March 4: Ephesians 3-4
Pray for another small group leader today
March 5: Ephesians 5-6
Ask God to bring inner healing to those in need.
March 6: Philemon; Philippians 1-2
Ask God to give you strength to serve Him.
March 7: Philippians 3-4
Thank God that He is Sovereign.
March 8: Acts 19:23-22
Pray for your growth partner today.
March 9: Colossians 1-2
Pray for each member of your family by name.

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