Friday, March 23, 2007

Ever feel Weak?

Today's Reading:
2 Corinthians 11-12

What I love about 2 Corinthians is Paul's vulnerability. Paul the Apostle: Powerfully used of God, confident in his identity with Jesus Christ, endured immense hardships and suffering for the sake of Christ and the Kingdom of God and yet this very same Paul, boasts in his weaknesses (11:30; 12:5, 9). Ever feel weak? Paul did (11:29; 12:8-9). Ever struggle with something deep in your life, perhaps a sin issue? Paul inwardly burned (11:29). Yet Paul kept on going. He kept on serving his Lord because one day in his life, he encountered Jesus on a road and he was never the same (Acts 9). Ever feel weak? Why not look back to a time when you encountered Jesus. What did he say to you? Was His grace sufficient for you at that moment? Guess what? His grace is still sufficient for you...He still cares...He still wants to use you and He will...He still has wonderful plans for your life.

Sometimes we feel weak in the race of life and ministry that God has called us to, but we only lose the race if we lay down and never get up.

Please pray for the Men's Encounter retreat.
The GATHERING has been cancelled for this month.

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